Din cantonamentul din Turcia, unde se află cu Petrolul, echipa care o pregătește, Adrian Mutu a comentat preluarea clubului Genoa de către Dan Șucu. Adrian Mutu, primul antrenor care a lucrat cu Dan Șucu l-a Rapid, s-a declarat impresionat de ceea ce a reușit omul de afaceri. Acționarul majoritar de la Rapid a devenit în decembrie patron și la Genoa, unde deține 77% din acțiuni. VIDEO. ...
The text discusses how former Romanian footballer Adrian Mutu is impressed by a recent development, calling it "the biggest bomb of all time."
It doesn't specify exactly what this development is, but it's related to Petrolul, a Romanian football club. The text mentions that Mutu responded to a question from Gazeta Sporturilor (GSP) about the most pressing problem at Petrolul.
Essentially, the main idea is that Adrian Mutu has a positive reaction to something new happening at Petrolul, a football club he likely has a connection to.
The text discusses how former Romanian footballer Adrian Mutu is impressed by a recent development, calling it "the biggest bomb of all time." It doesn't specify exactly what this development is, but it's related to Petrolul, a Romanian football club. The text mentions that Mutu responded to a question from Gazeta Sporturilor (GSP) about the most pressing problem at Petrolul. Essentially, the main idea is that Adrian Mutu has a positive reaction to something new happening at Petrolul, a football club he likely has a connection to.